Saturday, July 25, 2009

Royal Principles

By virtue of your heritage, intelligence, education, and wealth, you are a royal.

Slaves effect change thru rebellion.
Employees effect change thru strikes.
Royalty effect change thru inspiring others with a vision.

I am a royal.
I am a resource.
Others are resources.
I can negotiate.

It's not manipulation if you can find a way for others to meet their needs by meeting yours.

A team is always stronger than an individual. Start building your team.

Engage, manage impressions, fight for what you want.

The way to peace is to focus on interests and to find ways to enlarge the pie.

Love is putting another's self interest before your own.

To forgive is to bear the cost.

It is hard to rebel for very long against someone who has your best interest at heart.

Go where you are wanted.
Corollary: Don't stay where you're not.

God will never tell you what the meaning of your life is. That is for you to decide.

Some ways of thinking are better than others. You have a choice.

You always have a choice.

If what you are doing isn't working, try the opposite.

Blessings and curses often come as two sides of the same coin. At some time in your life you need to acknowedge the curse, but it makes for a much happier life, to live in thankfulness for the blessing.

Don't confuse opportunity with curses.

An enemy is someone who will go out of their way to injure you, even to their own detriment.
Don't confuse the praise of an enemy or the reproof of a friend.

Financial wealth is measured by how long you can live on what you have if you are not able to work.

Wealth is created by helping more people do more with less.

There are more kinds of wealth than just financial. Tithing will help you find them.

The first essential for a successful business is integrity.

Even if you don't believe in God, it is good to live as though you do; to be responsible to some one greater than yourself and to live in gratitude for the gifts of life.

In marriage, hang in there it is always better on the other side.

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