I no longer believe that God created the earth less than 10,000 years ago to look like it is billions of years old. Why would he lie?
I no longer believe it is possible to distinguish between evolution and intelligent design. How is the fossil record of transportation devices qualitatively different than the fossil record of animals?
I no longer believe the theory of evolution is incompatible with Christianity or even Seventh-day Adventism. Don’t we believe that God is eternal and that he is the creator? Aren't billions of years of development exactly what we would expect to see from an eternal creator? When I put away my prejudice and really look around, I see evolution all around me. It looks to me like it is a fundamental law of the universe. Dare I say it? Part of God’s character.
I can’t see God and I can’t prove that God exists. If I could, he wouldn't be God. My mind may never know for sure. But what can I see, and what do I know for sure? I can see that man has a spirit, and that every man, whether he acknowledges it or not, responds to something we call spiritual. I may not see God, but I see his image.
Even though a scientist does not acknowledge God, I no longer believe it is possible for him to be outside of a relationship with God. How can devoting your life to understanding how God works be anything other than worship?
I no longer believe I would have made a different choice than Eve. I agree with Eve, I would rather know, than to not know, and I would rather know the difference between good and evil than to be naïve.
I no longer believe that the God gave Eve the choice between good and bad. I think he gave her the choice between innocence and wisdom. Except to say that it was good, the Bible has nothing more to say about the innocent life in Eden, but judging from the age of the earth, it must have lasted a very long time. The alternate choice of wisdom however fills the rest of scripture with the story about man learning good from evil and in the process discovering characteristics of God that the universe never knew before, such as forgiveness, justice, mercy, and grace. Yes there is the sorrow of death, but there is also the joy of new birth and the personal indwelling of God. Yes, there is evil, but there is also the overcoming of evil. If knowledge of God is the greatest good, then Eve made the right choice.
I no longer believe that eating of the apple was really of much consequence. I think the bigger problem was that, having eaten the apple, Adam and Eve thought they needed to hide from God.
I no longer believe that sin separates man from God. Remember, Adam hid, but God came looking. God didn't disengage, He engaged. Christ was the lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world. I think it is fear that separates.
I no longer think that either my sin, or my death bothers God much. It’s not like He is surprised. He already knew. Even before He decided to create our world God was already reconciled. Whatever happened was going to be Ok. He had a plan. He knew what I was going to do and He knew what He was going to do. He isn't threatened. He isn't sorrowful. He is joyful.
I no longer believe that God needed Christ to die in order to forgive my sins. He managed to forgive the 1/3 of the angels in heaven who almost went with Lucifer without needing Christ to die. I think I needed Christ to die in order for me to lose my fear that he might not have my best interest at heart. Also, it is a lot easier to forgive the debts others owe me when I have been given such a big gift.
I don't think guilt is the real problem. I think it is just a cover for fear.
I no longer believe Christ said, “Father forgive them” in order to influence God. I believe he said it so we would stop hanging on to our guilt.
I no longer feel it is important for me to struggle against sin and my bad habits. If I could do it, I wouldn't need saving, and every life guard is taught that you can’t save a victim that is still struggling. The lifeguard has to stay just out of reach until the victim tires out and stops.
I no longer believe that preaching the gospel or saving souls is the most important thing for me, or the church to do. God had a purpose for man before the fall, fulfilling that purpose is the most important. I think the most important thing I can do is to hang out with God and enjoy what he has done.
I no longer believe that guilt is the only problem humanity has, nor that Christianity is God’s only intervention to the benefit of humanity. Christ is the light that lightens every man and he said, “I have many things to tell you which you cannot bear now”, and “I have sheep in other folds,” and “My spirit will guide you into all truth.” Why would I assume God’s spirit would only teach truth to the Jews? As Judeo-Christian thought helps the world deal with guilt, so Buddhism helps the world with suffering, and Science blesses man physically. I don't know enough about Islam to know what truth it holds.
I no longer believe that God has a plan for your life or mine. I think he just wants to experience whatever it is you chose to do, right along with you.
I no longer think God will ever tell you what the meaning of life is. I think he leaves that for you to decide.
I no longer believe anyone, except possibly the God part of Christ, has ever experienced death. One can only experience life. Death is the absence of experience.
Death cannot be said to truly exist. Death is only the absence of life. Why would you be afraid of something which doesn't exist and which you will never experience? Isn't it better to focus on to what is real, and pay attention to what you can truly know and enjoy today?
You don’t mourn the time before you were born. Why should you mourn the time after you are dead? Isn't it better to celebrate what you have rather than mourn what you don't?
I no longer think that mourning a loved one’s death honors them. I think celebrating their life brings honor.
I don't think that you should try to avoid the hard work of grieving. Feel your anger; embrace the pain, and throw yourself down the well of sorrow in utter hopeless abandon. At the bottom, when the well runs dry, you will find peace, and love, and you will discover that your loved one never truly leaves you.
I don't think you can expect God to intervene to prevent your death. Eve chose to accept death, to gain knowledge and wisdom. So far, except for Enoch and Elijah, God has chosen to respect her decision. Why should it be any different for you or me?
I don't know if there is heaven or hell after death, but I know there is heaven and hell here and now. Don't miss the heaven here, while hoping for the one in the future.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Women Smell Better
Have you ever noticed that women have a better sense of smell than men? A man takes a container of leftovers out of the refrigerator, opens it and thinks, ‘That looks a little funny, I wonder if is still good?’ He sniffs, ‘I can’t tell. What if it has some food poisoning in it? I could get sick and die.’ . . . “HONEY, Is this still good?”
She sniffs, “No, Throw it out.”
“Whew, that was close! What else is there to eat?”
Women are always sniffing things. Maybe that is why they like flowers.
My wife sniffs her kids. She says she can always tell who her kids are by the way they smell. Now I would think there are easier ways, but well, I guess the brand new ones really do look pretty much the same.
Next time you have to watch one of those home movies of a delivery, watch what happens when they put the baby in mom’s arms for the first time. She’ll raise its head right up close to her nose and take a great big sniff. What’s that about? I guess it’s so that if the lady in the next bed rolls over and suffocates her kid and then tries to make a swap, she’ll know. “Nope, she’s not going to fall for that old trick.”
I think men’s inability to smell contributes to newlywed bliss. You know, most newlywed wives don’t know how to cook that well. It takes ‘em awhile to learn. When you first git married, you know you men are just too poor to know what tastes good. Before you know what tastes good, you gotta get rich enough, to go out to eat enough, at good enough restaurants, to learn what food tastes good! In the mean time, she puts this indescribable dish in front of her man, and what happens? He scarffs it down; pushes back and says, “Great dinner Hun.”
She thinks, “Oh, now bless his heart; isn’t he so sweet?” (Because, she KNOWS it don’t taste good.) Kudos for him.
Now this being summer in the Northwest, I woke up the other day with the sun, about 5:00 o’clock in the morning. I lay there for awhile watching the wife sleep.
‘I wonder if she would let me scutch over and just lay next to her?’ It’s kind of a risky maneuver.
Well, after about a half hour I decided to try. . .
“Go away! I want to sleep! I don’t have to get up until 7:00!”
“I just want to lay next to you, when can I come lay with you?”
“Not now!”
. . . ‘Ok, Now what do I do? I can’t sleep. If I lay here toss’n an turnin’, she’s just gonna to git mad. I might as well get up. . . . I don’t want to get up. . . . Do you want her mad?’ I jump up and start to get dressed, cuz if mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.
“Where are you going?”
“To the shop.”
I git back from the shop about 8:30. The first thing she does is greet me with a great big ol’ hug.
Now men, do you think she has all-of-a-sudden turned lovey-dovey? Not on your life she hasn’t. She’s gettin’ up close for a real good sniff.
Now if she smells wood chips or grease, then you’re probably OK, but if she smells coffee, tobacco, wine, lipstick, perfume, or silicone, then boy, you are in BIG-time trouble! If the argument starts up where it left off, then you know you probably passed the test. But if she offers you something to eat . . . then, boy howdy, you better decide you just Gotta take her Out-to-eat Right NOW!
She sniffs, “No, Throw it out.”
“Whew, that was close! What else is there to eat?”
Women are always sniffing things. Maybe that is why they like flowers.
My wife sniffs her kids. She says she can always tell who her kids are by the way they smell. Now I would think there are easier ways, but well, I guess the brand new ones really do look pretty much the same.
Next time you have to watch one of those home movies of a delivery, watch what happens when they put the baby in mom’s arms for the first time. She’ll raise its head right up close to her nose and take a great big sniff. What’s that about? I guess it’s so that if the lady in the next bed rolls over and suffocates her kid and then tries to make a swap, she’ll know. “Nope, she’s not going to fall for that old trick.”
I think men’s inability to smell contributes to newlywed bliss. You know, most newlywed wives don’t know how to cook that well. It takes ‘em awhile to learn. When you first git married, you know you men are just too poor to know what tastes good. Before you know what tastes good, you gotta get rich enough, to go out to eat enough, at good enough restaurants, to learn what food tastes good! In the mean time, she puts this indescribable dish in front of her man, and what happens? He scarffs it down; pushes back and says, “Great dinner Hun.”
She thinks, “Oh, now bless his heart; isn’t he so sweet?” (Because, she KNOWS it don’t taste good.) Kudos for him.
Now this being summer in the Northwest, I woke up the other day with the sun, about 5:00 o’clock in the morning. I lay there for awhile watching the wife sleep.
‘I wonder if she would let me scutch over and just lay next to her?’ It’s kind of a risky maneuver.
Well, after about a half hour I decided to try. . .
“Go away! I want to sleep! I don’t have to get up until 7:00!”
“I just want to lay next to you, when can I come lay with you?”
“Not now!”
. . . ‘Ok, Now what do I do? I can’t sleep. If I lay here toss’n an turnin’, she’s just gonna to git mad. I might as well get up. . . . I don’t want to get up. . . . Do you want her mad?’ I jump up and start to get dressed, cuz if mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.
“Where are you going?”
“To the shop.”
I git back from the shop about 8:30. The first thing she does is greet me with a great big ol’ hug.
Now men, do you think she has all-of-a-sudden turned lovey-dovey? Not on your life she hasn’t. She’s gettin’ up close for a real good sniff.
Now if she smells wood chips or grease, then you’re probably OK, but if she smells coffee, tobacco, wine, lipstick, perfume, or silicone, then boy, you are in BIG-time trouble! If the argument starts up where it left off, then you know you probably passed the test. But if she offers you something to eat . . . then, boy howdy, you better decide you just Gotta take her Out-to-eat Right NOW!
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